I probably should have written this post a while back, but I wanted to get something written down so I can remember this time.

The girls has Spring Break the week of March 16th. Governor Evers closed down all schools later that week. It’s now been over a month since they’ve been in school. Online school started shortly after Spring Break week was over. It’s a pass/fail grading system for the 2nd semester.

Carly is a freshmen. While this affects her, obviously, she’s pretty okay with the whole thing.

Lydia is a senior. Surprisingly, she’s pretty okay with it too, BUT really wants to have a graduation of some sort. Who can blame her? Why do you go to school? To graduate!

They both have adapted pretty well and we do talk a lot about how they are doing/feeling.

I have’t worked IN the library since Wednesday, March 15th. We also closed our doors on Monday, March 13th. I’ve been working from home and very sporadically going into work to cover books and upload videos on FB.

Tom is still essential, so not much has really changed for him.

I do most of my grocery ordering online OR go to Aldi very early in the morning on a Monday or Tuesday when I hope it’s not too busy.

I’ve made masks for myself and others. I wear one in the store, hoping it adds a bit of protection.

It’s now April 17th. School is officially canceled through the rest of this school year. I had no doubt that would happen and needs to.

Gas is at an all time low, $1.15 a gallon. That was how much it was in 1997/1998! I know it won’t stay that low, but it’s a sight to see. Not that I need gas these days, but Tom does.

I’m trying to get outside to walk for my sanity and Vitamin D. Lately it hasn’t been very nice, but I’m hoping this weekend will allow me to get outside and finish the fence around my garden.

Not much else to say, just waiting for a vaccine for COVID-19. I’m sure I’ll be getting it along with the flu shot next year!

New year!

I my attempt to blog more, here I am! LOL I’m off work today so I have a bit of extra time.

This morning I slept in a little bit, walked & read my book, went to CrossFit and then walked some more so I could finish my book. I finally got back on Goodreads and have started posting my books there as well as on my blog. I have chicken breasts in the crockpot for tonight’s supper. It needs shredded chicken and this is the easiest way to make that happen. I also have split pea soup in another crockpot and bread dough in the bread machine. I’ve vacuumed the house only find out that one vacuum isn’t working right. I’ll work on that soon. I have to wait for it to cool down and stop smoking! LOL I think the belt is either off or broken on the beater bar. Considering it’s almost 20 years old, it probably needs a bit more maintenance.

There isn’t much else happening around here. The weather has been pretty decent for January and I know my kids could love a snow day, but I don’t see one in the very near future. I prefer not to drive in the snow, but it can be all over the ground, just not the road.

That’s it from me, enjoy the sunshine!

Happy 2020!

It’s been ages since I’ve blogged. Since I started working full-time a few years ago, I just don’t find the time to keep it up anymore. I thought I’d make a post about what is going on with me.

I’m 45 years old and work full-time at the library in the Children’s Department. I still CrossFit 3-5 mornings a week. Starting this year I’m going to be able to fit in 1-3 afternoons a week since my hours have changed at work. I also want to do this to switch it up a bit with my workouts. So, depending on what the kids have going on after school and what I have happening, I’ll start with 1 5pm workout a week.

I aim for 10,000 steps per day with my FitBit. The only time I don’t get it is when I am ill or doing a lot of traveling. I’ll say that having a pedometer definitely keeps me moving more.

I don’t follow a ‘diet’ because those things are just unpleasant and make me uphappy! LOL Instead, I started just writing down what I eat. I used to do that for years on Weight Watchers. This time it’s just writing it down and trying to be more aware of what I am eating and how much. I do know I need to up my veggie game this year. I also put a list of food items on the fridge that help with reducing cholesterol. My last test results were pretty good, but I’d like to reduce my LDL.

I still read a ton of books and have started on jigsaw puzzles again. It’s a favorite winter activity of mine! I sometimes do word searches, crossword puzzles or sudoku. I’m a firm believer that it’ll keep my mind sharp as I age!

Tomorrow I am cutting my hair off again. I tend to grow it out to shoulder length and then just get it cut off again. If I remember I’ll post a before and after.

I try to get in massages, but my lady is very busy so it’s not often that I get to go.

I’ve been going to O/T for my shoulder/arm. I hurt it early in September and it is slowly getting better. It does limit some of the things I can do at the gym, but I’m still going and exercising and that’s all that matters. I’d love to be back to 100% and I hope that happens soon for me!

I’ve now been married for 21 years and our girls are both in high school. We have a freshmen and a senior. It’s time to start thinking about a graduation party and all the things that go along with college life.

We still have our cat Amelia, she’s 10 now and crabby as ever. Gus the dwarf hamster has been with us for over 2 years now and he still runs on his wheel every night.

That’s my update to start of 2020. I hope to get on her a bit more often.

It’s been forever!

Well, obviously I haven’t blogged in a long time. August to be exact. Things have changed around here and I don’t have the time to expend on blogging. On September 1st I was hired full-time at the library. I was so happy to finally have a full-time job with benefits again! That means I have a lot less time just hanging out a home. Hence, less time to blog.

I’m still going to Crossfit about 4 mornings a week. I love it there! I’m a the Vice President of the Board this year. I’m still new to being a board member, so I’m learning as I go along. We are going to be having our version of the Crossfit Open Games at the end of the month. I’m going to participate this year! Eak! I don’t know why I’m freaked out, but I am. Those workouts can be brutal!

January was a month of no added sugar. A few ladies from the gym and I did that challenge. I survived the whole month with no chocolate! The new challenge for February is to get in my water. My goal is 10 cups a day, but I get a bit more than that. A few other ladies said they too need to work on fluid intake.

The family is doing well. Hubby was laid off work for a bit in December and January. He’s been back now for a couple of weeks and I definitely like the extra money. L is in 9th grade and doing well in school and band. She’s applied for a job, but hasn’t heard yet. I did have her call about a week after she put in her application just to make a good impression. C is in 6th grade and is coming along really well on the clarinet. Her grades are mostly good, but she struggles with math. She always has and it’s more apparent this year. I work with her, but the tests are her downfall.

I started the year will a goal to lose the few pounds I’ve been carrying around for over a year. I’ve made a little progress in January and hope for some more in February.

I’m happy to get a bit of an update on here. I’ll try to pop in once in a while. 🙂