Family time

Good evening!

This morning I was awake bright and early, not a huge surprise. I got in some elliptical work, deadlifts, pullups and some stretching. In the morning we all went to the levy and the girls biked and hubby and I walked. It was then home to get ready to go to the inlaws house to celebrate their birthdays. We had a cookout and I did excellent on my food choices. When we left there is was Goodwill shopping and Walmart for cat foot and shoes for L. After ‘supper’ I went for another walk around the loop. My quads are so sore from 150 wallballs yesterday. Tomorrow is a day of rest for me. I need to bake granola bars for the girls and homemade bread. In the afternoon we are moving equipment into our ‘new’ gym. I don’t have a lot to move, but I want to stop in and see everyone.

Enjoy the night!