An afternoon of mini-golf.

Thursday morning I walked and read a bit on the treadmill. I worked from 8:45-noon. Jennifer came in early so I could leave and take the girls mini golfing. It was a gorgeous day for it, sunny and not too hot. Golfing was fun until C started having a rough time at it and got all pouty. 😛

Carly golfing

Lydia golfign2

Carly golfing2

girls golfing

Lydia at golf

Angie golfing

Lydia golfing

Mom and Lydia golfing

Mom and the pirate

L and I tied for the win so I let her get the free sherbet at the ice cream shop. We drove back home and I went to the Farmer’s Market. Sadly, there wasn’t much to buy but I got a bit of cauliflower.

Last night was L’s final tennis class. She does pretty well in my opinion, and I hope to keep her playing through the summer to work on her skills.

This morning I went to the gym and it was a different workout than we usually do.

Friday’s WOD:
A) Deadlift, 5@52.5%, 3@57.5%, 2@60%, 15@62.2% of training weight, 2min clock.

B)Teams of 3
7 min AMRAP: Back Squat
50 Reps, 135/95
50 Reps, 185/135
Max Reps, 225/155
-3 Minute Rest-
7 min AMRAP: Strict Press
50 Reps, 95/65
50 Reps, 115/75
Max Reps, 135/85
-3 Minute Rest-
7 min AMRAP: Deadlifts
50 Reps, 185/125
50 Reps, 225/155
Max Reps, 275/175

– All male and all female teams will get 1 barbell and all necessary weights for you and your team (co-ed teams will have a men’s and women’s bar)
– Racks are not allowed; for the back squat and press, teammates may help lift the bar into position for you
– Switch as needed

Three of us showed up to work out so we were the team! LOL We didn’t always go by the prescribed weights and it was a nice change to be able to watch someone lift and to see what they do right or wrong. Not super hard, but still a nice change.

I need to walk some more today and I’m thinking of taking the girls to the levee so they can get their steps in too.

Tonight is Concert in the Park and I’m going to be packing our supper to eat there. A military brass band starts at 5:30 and the girls and I are going to head there early to get a spot. Hubby will meet up with us after he showers and gets ready.

Tomorrow is working out at home in the morning, a parade at noon and then to my inlaw’s house. I’m going to see the baby! LOL

Enjoy your 4th of July!