Day 14 – Back in the saddle Sunday

Good early morning all. Sunday is my day-of-rest from working out, but I know I’ll be doing some bathroom cleaning and floor scrubbing today since I avoid it all week.

I’m not going to dwell on yesterday, it’s in the past. I’m focusing on today and already I can tell it’s going to be a good day. My head is clearer and I just ‘feel’ in a better mood. Hmm..maybe I need medication! Or a job, I wonder sometimes if staying at home for over 2 1/2 years has finally gotten to me.

Oh well, today I will be trying out a new recipe for supper. It’s a crock pot recipe for Vegetable Barley Soup. It seemed more interesting to me since it has sweet potatoes, corn and green beans in it. Not your standard soup fixin’s, at least not for me.


Movie Review: Food Inc.

This movie was very interesting. It was basically about how our food is mass produced, corn, beef, pork, chickens, etc. Hardly any animals are grass fed any more, mostly they eat corn since it’s so much cheaper. The conditions they raise the animals in is awful. This movie definately will have me thinking more about finding vegetarian meals to eat or at least looking for more grass-fed animals. Honestly I don’t know if I could give up meat entirely. Having grown up eating the stuff I do like having it once in a while, mostly we eat chicken breasts and lean ground beef. We don’t really consume steaks or pork much at all.

Another part of the movie was a family of 4 going to a drive thru for supper. 3 of them are overweight and the dad has diabetes. It then showed them going to the store to try to buy food for the same price and they found it difficult. The mom said it was easier and cheaper to buy off the $1 menu when you can only get 2-3 pears for $1 at the store.

My advice is to check out this movie. There are 2 copies at Family Video in Portage. It’s eye opening.


Lunch was a veggie burger and cheese on a thin along with a ton of roasted veggies. I have been snacking this afternoon and once again I eat too quickly that my stomach doesn’t have time to catch up until I’m too full. I must work on that.

Supper is in the crock pot, it smells and looks yummy. Will I eat any? Who knows, right now I’m too full to think about supper. Plus I wasn’t planning that great when tomorrow is WI and I’m going to eat sodium-laden soup for supper. Not that it’ll make a huge difference considering my out of control eating yesterday. It’s crazy how my body can hold on to sodium or just junk and my weight can be up like 3-5# overnight. Of course, in about 2-3 days time that junk weight is gone, but still it amazes me.

On a good note, to those of you that actually read this blog, tomorrow I will be back to my regularly scheduled blogging, pictures included. 🙂

I won’t be going to Zumba this week, my card ran out (meaning I need to cough up another $40 for a new one) and I think going 3 days a week for 2 weeks is burning me out. I need variety, so tomorrow will be my 4:30am workout of cardio and then when the kids get on the bus I will do some strength training since I totally avoid that these days!

See you all on Monday.