Day 24 – Truckin’ Along…

Morning, the sun is out today! Woohoo! I love a sunny day even if it’s not 75 degrees out. Well, I slept okay last night, not as great as the previous two nights, but it was good. I had a lot of dreams and that always make me feel like I didn’t sleep well.

I got up and told myself I could take it easy this morning, so 2.5 APs for me. I did 25 min. on the elliptical and another 1/2 hour of abs, arms and legs. My body is still sore from 2 days ago! My weekly total is 18 APs and I’m planning on another 10 or so yet this week. I’ve decided to not take Sunday off from exercise since that’s usually the day I eat like a crazy woman. I truly believe that exercise ‘helps’ to keep my appetite in check.

This morning’s breakfast was oatmeal and then an orange. Boy, the orange sure was juicy and sweet, yum!

Today’s agenda is drop of my check to the taxman so he’ll efile them for us and then it’s off to DD#1’s class to help out. I think today I’ll be organizing some more math sheets or books, she didn’t have it figured out on Tuesday so I said if it could wait until Thursday I could do it then. There isn’t much else on the agenda for today since I did 3 loads of laundry yesterday and the house actually looks fairly picked up.


Lunch was delicious and I will be making it again sometime. I started with this as the base: 1/2 pkg. tofu shirataki linguine, 1/2 serving of crab and 1 wedge of laughing cow cheese.

First I sauteed garlic, onion, red pepper and mushrooms in 1 t. olive oil. I then added in some peas, italian seasoning, spinach and allowed that all to cook through. Finally I added in the crab, linguine and the wedge of cheese. I cooked it all until it was melty and hot and ate it along with a garlic thin. Delicious!

DH called while I was making lunch and said he was done early. I’m hoping to go for a walk outside once he gets home. He got home from work early yesterday too since there was an injury. A guy from another construction outfit fell off the top of the 6 story building they are working on. He did survive, but it really freaked out DH AND me! I try not to worry about him at his job, but this put the twinge of fear back into me.


I did manage a 20 min. walk/jog outside and it was great, 1 more AP for me!

Supper was leftover lentil chili and toasted flatout bread.

I’m trying to become more creative with my photography! It would help if I understood all the settings on my camera! LOL

I ended the day at 29 WPA and earned 3.5 APs. I have 19 WPA left for 3 days, including eating out on Saturday! Yikes!