Day 23 – Mid-week

Morning all, I wish the sun was shining but I’m going to have a good day regardless. I got up with my alarm this morning, I wish it was before I hate hearing the sound of it, but I was in a good sleep. I’ve slept really well the past 2 nights and it does a lot for my whole state of mind the following day.

I got in 20 min. on the elliptical and 35 on the treadmill, earning 4 APs. Zumba is this morning and I even emailed Kari a few song requests so I’m sure I’ll get my 2 APs for that class! Breakfast was oatmeal and some toast.

As I was getting dressed this morning (trying to find something that fit decent for Zumba and didn’t show too much cottage cheese thighs) I realized how much my weight gain has really changed my body. I tried on a pair of shorts I used to wear to Weight Watchers weigh-in all the time and they were too snug. Granted I’m only about 10-12# OVER goal, but I can’t even get a pair of shorts on that used to fit. It’s just amazing to me what gaining some weight can really do. It seems I gain it in my belly and thighs the quickest.

Now, I could have let that experience bring me down and send me straight to the cereal or raisins (yes I have raisins, more on that in a bit). Instead I chose to use it for motivation to get me BACK into those shorts, back into my tighter fitting shirts, back into the body I want to have. I don’t know why I even feel self-conscience at Zumba, there is every type of body in that class and we all just have a blast and work up a sweat, that’s what it’s all about really!

Okay, on to the raisins. DH really wanted raisins for his lunch. Soooo, I bought him the 2 pt. boxes which he will keep in his truck. DD#1 really wanted raisins for her bran flakes and to munch on. I however seem to have a huge problem with them at certain times in my life. I bought her the 1 pt. mini boxes. Yes, they are in our cupboard. Strangely I don’t feel tempted by them (right now) and I’m happy I didn’t buy the larger, unportioned box since that is sooo much easier to overeat. I know I paid more and I hate that, but I know in the end it’s saving my ‘bottom‘ line! 🙂

On a wonderful note, our tax preparer called and they are finally done. I get to pick them up today after Zumba. Then DH and I have to look them over, sign them and pay our taxman. After that we’ll just be waiting for our huge refund! I won’t go into specifics, but it’s in the $1,000s and about $2,000 more than last year! It’ll be wonderful to build our savings back up and I’m also going to get some new summer clothes this year. I don’t like to spend money on clothes for myself.  By then I’ll be back to goal weight (or hopefully less)  and I’m going to dump all my old, out-dated and just too blah summer clothes.

Okay, I’ve been super chatty this morning, I’m off to read some blogs. Have a great day!


Zumba was great! The music was exciting and boy was I sweating. Almost 2.5 APs worth, but I got 2 anyway!

Lunch was a vegan burger and roasted veggies. Mushrooms were on sale at Walmart since they are on the road to being bad so I snatched them up and told DH I’d roast a bunch for supper.

I even had more veggies than this leftover in the pan, but I saved those for later. I did have some SF jello to satisfy my sweet-tooth.

Soon DD#2 and I are going to head out for some retail therapy. I’m hoping to have some luck finding pants for her and of course we’ll be checking out the clearance racks.


Shopping went well. I found 2 pair of pants and a new swimming suit for DD#2, no luck on new black shoes though.

Supper was turkey roast, baked potato, mixed veggies and some pickles.

It doesn’t look that appetizing but it tasted good! LOL

I ended my day at 30 DPs and I earned 6 APs. I still have 24 WPA left for the next 4 days.