05.03.10 – A fresh start.

Morning everyone. Well, I had a wonderful Women’s Weekend in Eau Claire. There were Pink Squirrels, wonderful food and even more spectacular people! The down side was I was losing my voice as the weekend progressed. Today I can talk, but now I’m starting to cough. Spring-time colds are NOT fun!

Yesterday when I got home I was just exhausted, from little sleep, too much food and sitting in a car. I did end up taking an hour nap in the afternoon and I felt a bit better after that. I was out like a light at 8:3opm and around 2am decided to forgo my 4:30am workout for a later one and I slept in until 5:30. Once the kids were on their way to school I headed downstairs to workout. I didn’t have any major plan in mind I just knew I was going to do the elliptical. After I was all done I ended up with 50 minutes and 415 calories torched!

My breakfast was oats with cocoa powder and carrots. Hold on to your hats, but I’m considering changing my breakfast. I know it’s only been like 5 years that I’ve pretty much been eating oatmeal, so maybe it’s time to change! LOL

I seems like being gone for 2 days caused to house to go into complete chaos! I have laundry galore, things to pick up and put away and just general housekeeping tasks to do. I’m not saying DH didn’t do a good job while I was gone, it’s just so easy for things to get out of hand when someone isn’t on top of it every day. So I have laundry going now, I got the house vacuumed and 3 bedrooms picked up. I still have to tackle the living room, but it only needs a quick vacuum to be passable. I also need to go to Walmart and get a few grocery items that we are super low on. I think that’ll either happen this afternoon or tomorrow morning before I pick up the kiddos at school.

I’m off to catch up on a few blogs I like to read, switch out laundry and get the living room done before the kids get here!


I’m still working on laundry and I did pull a few weeds outside. The garden is just so wet that I don’t feel like clomping through the mud to pull weeds. This weekend we need to go to Jung’s and pick up some seeds and plants for the garden. They finally redid their website so I’ve been checking it out. It’s much more user friendly than it used to be.

Lunch was a veggie burger, light bun, brussels sprouts and butternut squash. It’s always difficult coming off a weekend of indulgence to get back into my calorie range. I’m doing it, but I’m also not being so rigid that I lose it and eat everything in sight!


Supper was skillet piggies! A big favorite around our house. It’s beef, onions, cabbage, diced tomatoes, tomato sauce, beef broth, instant brown rice, s&p, caraway seeds and brown sugar. The kids just gobbled theirs up. DD#2 likes the crunchy pieces (cabbage). I also had 2 pieces of garlic toast and mixed veggies with it. (pics on Tuesday).

I went for a 30 minute walk after supper. It was a nice walk, I didn’t walk too fast or too slow. It was a nice pace throughout.

My total calories for today are 1772 (or so) and I burned 552 with exercise. Tomorrow I’m going to get up at 4:30am to get back into the groove. 🙂