05.26.10 – Humpin’ along…

Morning! As I thought, my quads are killing me. I did a 10 minute warmup on the elliptical this morning and then did 45 minutes on the treadmill. I like my new running shoes since they have such good support in them.

I have yoga this morning and then I’m going to go for a walk afterwards. I’ve already burned a little over 400 calories today and my legs are just too tired feeling for Zumba. Besides I have to make a quick detour to Walmart for lunch meat. Of course I forgot to buy some yesterday and we have a field trip tomorrow that we need sandwiches for.

Breakfast was oats and I’ll have an apple for a snack before I go for my walk. Otherwise, I just have 2 loads of laundry for today and not much else. It’s supposed to rain/storm after noon today so we’ll see about an evening walk. I figured I’d just get it out of the way this morning.


Yoga was awesome once again. It seems she knew my legs were killing me and tortured us with chair pose and tons of leg work! LOL When I finally got home from shopping and putting air in my tires I went for a 30 minute walk. It is gorgeous out, sunny and warm! About 1/2 way through the walk my legs started to feel much looser. I came home and watered my plants in the front of the house. I know we are ‘supposed’ to get rain later on, but right now you wouldn’t know it. I’m holding off on watering the garden though. I have so much weeding I need to do in my flower beds, but I’m putting that on my to-do list for the 3 day weekend. Maybe I can enlist the help of the children. 🙂


Today was yet another day of eating well. I used 28 DPs which means I used 4 WPA. I earned 5 APs today and did not get an evening walk in since it DID rain after all.