05.14.10 – 163.6#

Yep, that’s right, my body got rid of 3.8# of junk since yesterday. I’m positive it was excess sodium in my body from all the unhealthy foods I was eating. I’m happy to see that number, it puts me closer to my first goal of seeing 160#.

I’m happy to say my first day on track went very well. I ended the day at just under 1700 calories and I burned over 500, so that was a plus in my book. I didn’t binge eat after supper and I even walked for 30 minutes on the treadmill since the weather was so iffy.

Today has started out well. I did  a warmup on the elliptical and then did the entire DVD of No More Trouble Zones. I’m sure I’ll be feeling my quads and triceps tomorrow! That’s what I get for slacking on weights.

I had my oatmeal for breakfast and am feeling good about today. The sun is out, finally! It is windy today, but I’ll take that in order to have some sunshine. This morning we are heading to DD#1’s classroom for her snack day. I’m treating the class to ice cream sundaes. DD#1 requested vanilla ice cream, strawberries, chocolate syrup, cool whip, nuts and sprinkles for her class. I’m hoping all goes pretty smoothly with getting each child what they want. Afterwards I am picking up some clothes from a friend that the girls need to look through. It’s nice that she has a daughter a couple of years older than mine so she can pass down some clothes to us. Otherwise my day will be getting some plants out into my garden and possibly a trip to the store, although I may hold off on that until tomorrow.


Well, the ice cream party went well! The kids were so excited and happy! It was even great that most of them asked for the strawberries on their ice cream. I’m glad I decided to do that for her class, and DD#1 got to help by putting some toppings on for her classmates.

This afternoon we ran to Kmart, Walmart and the bank. I’m such a workout clothes geek that I bought new moisture wicking socks! I can’t wait to try them tomorrow, nerd! LOL

I got out in the garden a bit and put down more newspaper and straw. I planted my tomato plants (12), cucumbers (8) and brussel sprouts (6). I still have peppers, zucchini, lettuce, celery, butternut squash, acorn squash and broccoli to put in. I also have some beet, lettuce, carrot and radish seeds to put in too! I’m going to leave those things for tomorrow. I need something to do in the afternoon.

Tonight’s supper is going to be something new from Trader Joe’s. It’s a seafood brat. It’s filled with shrimp, crab and some whitefish. It should be very interesting. I’m also going to have some sauteed spinach and beets to go along with it. After supper I’m going to head outdoors for a walk. It’s been a long time since I’ve walked outside and I’m looking forward to it, wind and all.
