05.06.10 – It’s Thursday already?

This week seems to have gone by pretty quickly. I’m looking forward to Mother’s Day. I’m hoping for nice weather so we can go mini golfing in Wisconsin Dells.

Oh, last night’s post has an edit at the end. Ug…

On a good note, today I did a bit of running/jogging on the treadmill. My quads are KILLING me today! I did squats and lunges yesterday morning, then I stretched them out at yoga and then I did more squats at Zumba! Anyway, I worked through the pain and hopped off the treadmill every 15 minutes to stretch out my legs. I got in a calorie burn of 322 and I’m going to walk tonight now that the gale force winds have subsided.

Okay, I know you’ve been dying to know what I ate for breakfast. 🙂 Here’s a picture, can you guess?

Oatmeal? Kinda. It’s overnight barley and oats. It’s some steel cut oats and barley soaked in water overnight in the refrigerator. In the morning I added a pinch of salt and cooked it for 6 minutes, stirring after 3. I did keep my eye on it because even though it was in a 4 cup measuring bowl it was getting dangerously close to the top! When it was done I added in 1/2 t. cinnamon, truvia, 1/2 T. wheat germ and flax seed and topped it with 1 T. of sugar free maple syrup. It was chewy, hearty and just plain delicious. I’m going to repeat it tomorrow.

Later this morning I’m off to DD#2’s classroom to help on some end of the year projects. DD#2 wants me to hang out with her but I had to let her know that I was there to work on things not just let her adhere herself to my hip!


School went well, I got the papers for the books organized at least. I’m sure I’ll be going back on Tuesday to help out some more.

Lunch was stir fry. It was one zucchini and one carrot, both julienned. Then I added some chopped cabbage and onions. I sauteed them in oil and low sodium soy sauce. I added in garlic cloves, ground ginger and ground mustard. I knew that this wouldn’t be filling enough so I came up with my toasted thin with cream cheese, jam and strawberries. It was delicious!

Dishes are done, I’ve made salads for DH’s lunch and I have the last load of laundry in the dryer. The girls and I are going to head out to the library to get some new books to read. I’m growing tired of Worm and Gossie & Gertie.


Supper was a garlic chicken brat, light bread (we have no buns), homemade fries, cooked baby carrots and milk.

I went for a 45 minute walk after supper. I even jogged a bit since I felt that burst of energy! LOL

I ended my day with 1840 calories consumed and 538 burned.