At Home Workout

152 days til 40!

TGIF! Last night L had a band concert. It was terrific. It was movie theme songs and the kids dressed up as their favorite character. L was a pirate and it just happened that her friend and chairmate was too! After the concert we came home to unwind before bed. I looked at the workout and decided I’d either sleep in and have a DOR or workout at home. I ended up with 30 minutes of intervals on the treadmill. Better than sleeping in. 🙂

I have a few things to do this morning…

  • check out some garage sales
  • shop for seeds for the garden
  • price mulch for around the house
  • read
  • rest
  • eat 😛

Tonight L is getting off the bus here to gather up her overnight bag and I’m driving her over to her friend’s house. There is a dance at school and then she’s sleeping over. Tomorrow C has a birthday party/sleepover in the afternoon. I’m hoping to get into the garden on Saturday or Sunday and get some things in early.

That’s what I know. Enjoy your Friday!