Out of ideas…

131 days til 40!

Okay, coming up with titles each day is tiresome. I find myself repeating myself. Like TGIF, etc. Anyway, I got to bed fairly early last night and was ready for the gym even if my deltoids were not!

Warm up
Run 400m
arm leg swings

shoulder stretches

A- Deadlift
3×5 3×3 3×1
75 85 95%  – 130#, 150#, 165#
B- Handstand practice, use partner 5-7 minutes
C- 5 Min AMRAP (Bi’s & Tri’s baby!)
5 Chin Ups
5 Ring Dips
5 Min AMRAP (Lats Pecs Delts oh my!
5 Dead Hang Pull Ups
5 Hand release Push Ups
5 Wallballs 20/14
5 Box Jumps
rest 1 min between AMRAPS

We did not keep track of our rounds because it was too complicated, it was hard enough to do all the arm work we did.

This morning I’m going to go downstairs and exercise a bit more before I clean up and head out. I need to go to the library and look for books and I am going into town to see about some garage sales. Tomorrow we are going to sales in Pardeeville and then getting some plants for the garden.

Enjoy your day!