Suck up!

Happy Wednesday! I almost typed Tuesday, WTH? Anyway, yesterday was a good day. I got some things done in the morning and I worked until 5pm. After work I stopped and picked up some lavender essential oil, I’m going to be using that for some Christmas gifts. I’ll be making them this weekend and distributing them before the holidays. I’ll blog about them later on.

This morning my alarm went off and apparently I hit snooze. I was having vivid dreams about my mother. She died in 1997 at the age of 41! I dreamt she was dead and I was at her funeral and I was just sobbing and sobbing uncontrollably. I think it was brought on my a fellow blogger that I read regularly. Her husband has been very ill and she just announced they brought in hospice care for him. I obviously touched a nerve for me and I started mourning the loss of my mother all over again. Her birthday is tomorrow, she would be 59 years old. I miss her and I’m sad my girls don’t get to experience her as a grandma. Moving on before I start crying all over again.

So, after the snooze woke me up and I got ready to tackle the gym. My body is sore from the last two days at the gym, but I knew I’d loosen up a bit, boy was I right!

Wednesday’s WOD:
A) Deadlift: 5×1.1.1, rest :15/2:00
(Cluster sets like we did with the press) – I started at 130#, 135#, 140#

B) 3 TnG cleans + 1 jerk: 5 sets, build to AHAP, on a 3min clock – I started at 65#, 70#, 75#

C) For Time:
50 Wall Balls – 14# ball
50 Burpees – I ended in 7:07

My chest now feels like I have mild bronchitis. It was tough!

I’m going to walk and watch Hell’s Ktichen and then get ready for the day. I have to stop at Walgreens, Walmart and Edgewater Greenhouse before I work at WW at 10:45am. I’m weighing in again, it’ll be bad because I just ‘feel’ big. 😛

Tomorrow is a DOR for me, but busy nonetheless! Enjoy your day!