Happy 10th Birthday!

Today is C’s 10th birthday! On my way home from the gym I picked up a small donut and a lottery ticket for her. She was taking her treats in today, she made candy cane reindeer and snowmen string cheese. They are also having a party today so I know there will be enough food going around! LOL

Carly is 10 today

Tuesday’s WOD:
A) Press: 6×5, Build from last week, 2:30 clock – 55#, 60#, 65#

B) Power snatch: 5×3, TnG, Heavier than last week, 1:15 clock – stayed at 60# for it all


C) 5 Rounds, each on a 2:15 clock:
25 cals AD
15 KB Swings

This workout sucked! I only had 2 seconds to recover before round 2 started, so basically it was one continuous workout for 10 minutes! Lung scorcher for sure.

So, yesterday two of my coworkers called in sick and last week a third one was out Friday & Saturday. Knock on wood, but I better not get sick! I do have to go in a 1/2 hour early today to relieve someone for lunch, but I’d rather do that than work an eight hour shift.

On tap for today….walk & watch TV, clean up, get supper in the crockpot, get a haircut, work 12:30-5, come home and hang out with the birthday girl! Tomorrow is….gym, walk & watch TV, work WW and weigh-in, lunch out with the girls, movie at 2:30 and home again home again, jiggity jig!