Ready for Christmas…

Happy Sunday morning.

L is off shopping with friends, hubby is at Menards and C is going to start reading. Therefore, the house is quiet.

Yesterday I worked until 2pm and the girls and I headed out for a little shopping. L bought her friend’s their gifts and I got some last minute items for the upcoming week. C helped make supper last night and we all watched a movie together.

Today is a DOR for me and I plan to lay around the house and read and watch TV. 😛

This upcoming week looks like this….

  • Monday – gym, work 8:45-1, walk & watch TV, p/u girls from school, take L to Tivoli to play music for the elderly
  • Tuesday – gym, walk & watch TV, haircut (woohoo!), work 1-5, C’s 10th Birthday!
  • Wednesday – gym? (not sure if it’s open) or workout at home, work WW and weigh-in, take girls to Pizza Ranch for lunch then the 2:30 movie, bake bars for Christmas and L is making stuffing.
  • Thursday – workout at home after we open gifts, inlaw’s at 9am-10:30am, leave there to go to other inlaw’s house for lunch, maybe fit in a walk if the weather is good, hubby’s Birthday!
  • Friday – gym?, girls have friends over all day and for a sleepover.

So, I’ve been on track with my eating M-F this past week. Yesterday was pretty good but I did indulge in caramel corn from a coworker and some cereal last night. That just means I’m down to 0 WPA for today since my points reset tomorrow. I do have around 40 APs though for the week. I’m confident I will have a loss on the scale or at least the same as a few weeks ago.

Enjoy your Sunday, I’m going to laze around. 😛