Hump day!

How many times can I start over with healthy eating? I guess as many times as it takes….blerg….

While I dislike me eating, I did rather enjoy the workout this morning! 😛

Wednesday’s WOD:
A) Deadlift: 5×1.1.1., rest :15/2:00 – I did 135# (1), 140# (1), 145# (3)

B) 3 TnG cleans +1 Jerk: 3 sets, build to AHAP, 3min clock (see comments for a video demo) – I did 70# (2), 75# (1)

C) 11min AMRAP
3 wall balls
3 box jumps
3 deadlifts (115/75)
6 wall balls
6 box jumps
6 deadlifts
9 wall balls
9 box jumps
9 deadlifts
etc… – I got to the 20 wall balls, but only got 1/2 way through them before time was up!

I’m walking and watching TV soon. Rehab Addict is a great show, but I’m hoping my Hell’s Kitchen DVD is in today so I can watch that tomorrow afternoon. I work WW today and we are training a new staff member. I’m hoping she’ll be working a few Wednesdays a month with us. Then I get to go out for lunch with Cheryl. It will be great to talk to her for a bit! I need some girl time. I then work 5-8:30pm at the library.
Plan for today… well! 😛