
TGIF! Last night we went out for Japanese food. I stuck with the safe Jumbo Shrimp Hibachi. I looked at my friends’ sushi, but I just don’t see it happening. 😛 Then I came home and inhaled some Christmas cookies! WTH? Whatever, I’m over it.

Friday’s WOD:
A) AD: max cal in 10min – I got 132 calories and went a steady pace throughout

Rest 5min

B) 5 rounds, each round on a 2:00 clock:
8 push press, 135/95 – I did 65#, but should have done 70#
5 pull-ups – green band

Rest 5min

C) 10min AMRAP:
12 KB C&J, 24/16kg – 25# KB
8 Burpee box jump
30 DU’s – 30 target jumps

Notes: For part A, have a goal of what to hit each minute, maybe based on what you averaged on Tuesday. You wrote that down in your workout log, right?!
Part B, each of the 5 rounds will start on a two minute clock. Whatever time is left after you’ve completed your set/round of push presses and pull-ups will be rest/recover.

On for today….walk & watch Hell’s Kitchen (the new season was finally in), shower, eat lunch, stop at bank for some cash, distribute wreaths, pick up kids for eye doctor, dollar tree, McDonalds (for their supper), home in time for L to go to the dance, pick up the kids at 8pm. Busy afternoon and I hope it all goes as planned. 🙂