No work, but lots of working OUT!

Happy Frickin’ Friday! Woohoo! I’m so happy I don’t have anything I HAVE to do today. Awesome!

I realize I didn’t post yesterday, so I’ll recap a bit. I’ve been eating great! I did not weigh-in on Wednesday, but I did step on my scale at home. The week prior I got on too, with all my clothes and tennis shoes and saw a horrific number. I knew eating better would resolve that a bit, but not enough, so I did the same thing on Wednesday. I was down 3# or more, but I still chose not to weigh-in until next week. I have 4 solid days of eating well happening and I’m sticking with that today too.

Thursday was a DOR for me and when I got home the internet was down due to some fiber optic cable being cut, but it was up around 4pm or so. Probably another reason I didn’t blog. Anyway, I worked WW last night and we had a member make lifetime! She’s lost a tad over 95# this year and is feeling a lot better! Congrats to her!

This morning I woke up before my alarm and headed to the gym a bit earlier to do some stretching with a band before everyone got there.

Friday’s WOD:
A) 2K row for time – New PR for me 8:51, I shaved off 3 seconds from last month!

Rest 5min

B) 10 min AMRAP:
15 Air squats
10 Push-ups
5 Pull-ups – green band – I got 7 rounds, plus the squats & push-ups done.

Notes: We’ll have to row in heats and have a running clock. When you’re finished your 2K rest 5 minutes then start your 10 minute AMRAP.

I did a few front squats too since I missed that workout on Thursday.

On tap for today….more exercise, walking and watching Hell’s Kitchen is in order. I should clean my kitchen, but probably won’t! LOL Or the bathroom…..we’ll see.

Enjoy your Friday…. 🙂