5am! All week!

Happy Monday! I was wide awake at 3am, I finally fell back asleep only for my alarm to go off at 4:15! I was a tad angry at that point! Bizarre dreams too. Good news is the gym is opening at 5am all week from now on. That means I won’t be getting home late on Tuesdays anymore. The girls are happy.

Monday’s WOD:
A) Back Squat: 6×5, build from last week, 3min clock
Notes: If you finished all of your reps last week (we were at 70%) then try to go up A LITTLE this week. Note that the reps stay at 5 each set, but we added one more set than last week. No missed reps! – I went with 90# for all reps! It was awesome!

B) 20 min AMRAP:
3 Power Cleans, 135/95
5 Push press, 135/95
7 Burpees
10 Wall Balls, 20/14

I went with 70# on the Cleans & Presses, and a 14# wall ball. I usually do 65# as a standard, but I wanted to start challenging myself more! I’m going to pay for it later on today. I did get 9 rounds done and into my burpees on the 10th!

Today I have a staff meeting from 8:30-noon, then I work from noon-1pm. I need to stay after and find some books to read. I finally got one finished yesterday and then rejected the rest of my pile at home! Boo.

I’m off to get ready for work! Enjoy the day.