Monday & Tuesday

I’m sucking at blogging lately! Recap, Monday I got back on track with eating. No surprise there. 😛

I went to the gym and then we took the girls and their friends to Madison for an Art Class.

Monday’s WOD: Change in plans…
A) 5×5 Pause Front Squats, 2 min clock – 60# (1), 65# (1), 70# (3)
B) 6 Rounds on a 2min clock: 3 Cleans + 5 strict Pull ups – 75# cleans, black banded pull ups

Notes: Change in plans from the Squat Clean Thrusters. On the pause front squats, hold in the bottom of your squat for a full 2 seconds. You’ll need to keep your core tight! Hopefully this will help us get comfortable in the bottom of the squat which is also the catch position of your cleans… For B, the cleans should be about 70-75% of of your 1RM clean. Bands can be used for the pull ups.

C) AD: Max Effort in 5min – 71 calories (less than last time by 5 calories)

Notes, if anyone is really sad about not doing thrusters today, we may have time at the end of class for you to get your fix..

Tuesday’s WOD:
A) Overhead Squat (OHS): Build to a tough single in 10min. – go to 75#

B) Snatch Balance: Build to a tough single in 10min. – got to 65#

C) EMOM x6: 5 TnG power snatch, 115/75 – I did 55#

D) In 7min:
Row 1K AFAP 4:17
AMRAP burpees in the remaining time 25 burpees

Notes: Check out the article in the comments section for some ideas to help with your OHS…

L had her two friends sleep over last night and I’m taking them home on my way to work/piano lessons. I work 1-5 today and then nothing special will be going on. I was going to have my friend Rachel stop by but we are going out for lunch on NY day instead.